Click on the “Start Menu” located on the bottom left-hand side of the
desktop and select “Network”.
At the Network window, click on “Network and Sharing Center”.
Click on “Set up a connection or network”.
Choose “Connect to a workplace”. Click Next.
Click on “Use my internet connection (VPN).” Clicking on this will
automatically take you to the next screen.
The “Internet Address” should be [your IP address] and the
“Destination name” should be [your VPN Name] Click on Next.
The “User name” and “Password” should be your username and password. Click on Connect.
You will see a progress bar while a connection is being established.
Once the connection is created, you will see a message indicating that
connection was successful.
To disconnect from the VPN when finished, Right click the VPN icon in the system tray (lower right hand corner of your screen), select “disconnect”.