To refresh a page in a web browser, use the Shift-Reload command (Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge) buttons.
To force a reload:
Mac – Hold down the ‘option’ key, then click Reload or Refresh.
Win – Hold down the ‘shift’ key, then click Reload or Refresh or hit the “F5” key.
For Details on flushing browser cache (Windows) see:
Browsers ‘cache’ the content of web pages on your computer to speed up the time it takes to download. The browser checks the creation date of a file on the server you are connecting to, and if it is newer than the date stored in the cache, the page is downloaded and re-cached.
With dynamic web pages, the file for the page you are downloading often contains scripts that dynamically insert information. Once programmed, the file’s creation date doesn’t change. Since the date stays the same, an old version of your page can be displayed from cache, even though the information has changed. Forcing a reload is the best way to overcome this obstacle.
If you are a webmaster and viewing edited changes to your pages – you will want to set your browser cache settings to check for new: “Every visit to the page” or clear cache often.